Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Figure Drawing 2

Forced myself to go to figure drawing again this week. I wish I could find a group of animators who do this sort of thing. I might just have to start one...except I have no space for it. I wonder if Three Rings would go for a nude model in the office...

ALSO: I have lots of things I am thinking about doing with the blog scans from a different vintage kid's book each week, fun links and stuff...but I'm not really sure it's worth it. When I post stuff to Illustration Friday it seems to get lots of comments, but otherwise I don't know if anyone's actually reading this blog. In which case I'm just wasting my...fingers? (I was going to say breath, but not really appropriate.) If anyone out there has an opinion, let me know.


Anonymous said...

Actually, there is people reading this blog ;)

Anonymous said...

Great to know, thank you.